
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My 1st Liebster Award

Honestly, I'm a newbie blogger, so I'm very thankful to kikicoroline for nominating me for this award. You really make my day ^^ I'm so happy ^^

The rules:
1. Thank the one who nominated you 
2.  Write 11 random questions about you 
3. Answer 11 questions from the person who nominates you 
4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers as a nominees
5. Make 11 questions for them to answer ^^

So One more time I want to say big big Thank you to kikicaroline, for nominating me ^^, It means so much to me 

11 things about me :

  1. I'm a mother of 2 kids 
  2. I love nail polishes, skin care and beauty addicts 
  3. I love pink (soft pink, shocking pink, all of pink hahahah)
  4. I'm afraid of cats and dogs (even the small and cute one)
  5. I'm a bag-aholic 
  6. Loves watching Korean series
  7. I really want to visit Korea someday
  8. I loves eating fried chicken 
  9. I loves orchid (I have several orchids in my small garden ^^)
  10. I'm afraid of bleeding, I'll faint if I see it 
  11. I loves Karaoke ^^
The questions i got from kikicaroline: 
1. Siapa yang menjadi inspirasi kamu dalam menjadi blogger?
- banyak sih, scrangie, vampy varnish, michelle phan

2. Apa Brand nail polish yang sangat kamu sukai?
- I love OPI (my nail holy grails), nature republic, china glaze

3. Seberapa sering kamu menggunakan nail polish?
- sering sekali, I change every week

4. Seberapa penting kesehatan kuku dan kulit bagi kamu?
- sangat penting, terutama kulit wajah

5. Warna apa yang tidak kamu sukai?
- Black, look sad 

6. Berapa uang yang kamu keluarkan setiap bulan untuk membeli produk kecantikan?
- quite a lot 

7. Seberapa sering kamu mengunjungi nail salon untuk melakukan perawatan?
-none, I did it all at home DIY. (punya pengalaman buruk ama salon kuku)

8. Berapa liter air yang kamu minum setiap hari?
- kurang dari 1 liter 

9. Buah apa yang menjadi asupan wajibmu setiap hari, dan mengapa kamu memilih buah itu?
- apple or grape karena gampang belinya 

10. Suka atau benci dengan kucing? Pernahkah menyakiti hewan tersebut? Berikan alasannya mengapa.
- nggak suka, nggak benci, yg tepat aku takuttt kucing 

11. Apa arti WANITA bagi kamu?
- Wanita adalah makhluk terindah yang pernah diciptakan di dunia ini ^^

My Liebster Nominees goes to:

My Questions are: 
1. Love rainy day or sunny day?
2. Do you like sport? if yes, what sport?
3. What's inside your bag?
4. Color that you hate?
5. Lipstick or lipgloss girl?
6. What's your favorite skincare brand?
7. What's your bad habit?
8. Do you have pet?
9. What's your fav food?
10. Who's your idol?
11. What do you do on ur spare time?

Those are my questions ^^ 


  1. Aw, thank you so much for tagging me! ^_^ <3
    Fried chicken is my favorite food too! LOL

  2. hi, I already nominated by other, but I answer your questions too =) kindly check my post
