
Friday, July 26, 2013

Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly Neon Beam Nails Review

When I saw this press release photo..... GOSH!!! I'm obsessed!!! I HAVE TO HAVE THIS!!!!! 
So I order all of the colors  + top coat.  So here we go, my swatches 

No 1
2 coats + top coat

took this with artificial light 

Bright jelly neon pink, not bad, I love this kind of pink :D

No 2 

2 coats without top coat, artificial light. 
for me, without top coat I feel this neon orange looks so dull 

Under Sunlight;

Under sunlight wohoooo!!!! I love how those colors so sparkling neon bright!!! 

So... I'm happy with how NEON they turn out!!!! 
Now the PROBLEM;
When I bought these products, I expect these nail polishes to be NEON and GLOW in THE DARK.  Is it NEON enough? YES!!! 
but... IT'S NOT GLOW IN THE DARK!!!!!!! 
What happen???? mine just simply NEON that's it. 

I've seen the review photos of other bloggers from official holika holika's website, and theirs polish are glow in the dark.... so where did I go wrong???? So disappointed with these nail polish 

Have you ever bought a product with a high expectation then feel disappointed? 
Please, someone from Korea or understand Korean, please let me know what should I do to make this polish GLOW??? (since holika holika's web don't have english translation for this) Thank you in advance :D

and Thank you for reading ^.^  


  1. I love how vibrant these nail polishes are, perfect to match the sunny days. But like you, I expected them to glow in the dark as well. What a shame. :(

  2. Maybe it's one of those things where you have to put it under a UV lamp? o.o Not sure. They're still nice, but that's a shame.

    1. oh might be, I'll try to see how this polish turn out

  3. you are really a fan of nail polishes ^^

  4. have you shaken it well? glow in the dark particles tend to accumulate at the bottom and have to be shaken for a long time to mix..

    1. yes, I think I've shaken it quite a long, still not glowing T.T

  5. Wow for under the sunlight picture! Warnanya bagusss ce :)

    1. iya sha bagus neonnya kalau kena sunlight, so gejreng

  6. Hello! I really do think these nail polishes are not glow-in-the-dark type, I think they may be the kind that glows under blacklight/ultraviolet light. So if you go to a disco with blacklight you will probably get a nice surprise and your nails will be a focal point on the dance floor ^-^ Don't be disappointed before testing that out!
    Beautiful colours anyway, thank you for your review <3

  7. I read the Korean description on the website. If you want to make them glow in the dark, in addition to the neon colours shown under daylight, you need to apply the special top coat of this nail polish series (No. 7). Otherwise, the first 6 polishes (No. 1-6) are just merely neon, no glow...kkkkkkk

    I guess you better buy No. 7 in order to make them glow. Good luck with the nail polish :)

    1. oh Thanks God I also bought the top coat hahah. I'll give this polish another try with the top coat.
      Thank you so much .(^.^)

  8. Yep- these are blacklight polishes! Do they glow in the dark with the top coat??
    Im ordering some of these tonight so im excited to try em out!!

    1. I haven't try it again with the top coat, but those neon colors are so pretty under sunlight :D

  9. I have the same problem!!I bought the orange thinking that in the darkness the glow. I feel so upset..If you try with the topcoat tell me for buy it
